When Is the Best Time to Sell a Timeshare?

How do you know when it's time to sell?

Timeshares can be an amazing way to vacation, with spacious, condo-style accommodations and resort amenities that are second to none. But even with all the fun you've had, there always comes a time when you decide to sell your timeshare.

Like any type of product, there is a life cycle to ownership. Eventually, there comes a time to sell and move on from your ownership. Perhaps you need to sell because of:

  • Finances - if your financial situation has changed and you no longer take annual vacations.
  • Family - maybe your family dynamics have changed or the kids are grown and taking their own vacations.
  • Health - it could be that health concerns mean you don't travel like you used to.

Other aspects to selling a timeshare involve: 

  • Maintenance Fees – these aren’t coming down anytime soon, so what is your tipping point and how much is too much?
  • Location – how far away is your timeshare and are you prepared to keep traveling to the destination?
  • Length of Time – how long have you owned your timeshare? The longer you’ve owned, the more enjoyment you’ve received so it might be time to sell and move onto something else.
  • Had Enough – some owners have just had enough and want to sell.

Determining what is best for you will depend on your goals. Whenever you're ready though, we're here to help.

Our team has been connecting buyers with sellers since 2000, so we’ve seen the peaks and valleys of the timeshare resale market and understand that everyone needs to eventually sell. And with over one million people coming to our websites each year looking for timeshare information, we have the experience and traffic you need to sell your timeshare.

Our program is a self-service platform where, for no upfront fees, you can build your own advertisement right onto our platform and promote your timeshare immediately to the online world. Patience is a virtue as it may take time to sell, so be patient with the process.

Because you can cancel at any time, you can just use the platform for as long as you need to and cancel when you sell.

There are no hidden fees involved and you keep the money you make on the sale. We do the marketing, you choose the offer you want as they come in. Licensed agents for our sister company, Timeshare Broker Associates (TBA), will verify the offers to make sure they are legitimate - making the process even easier for you. 

This is a major advantage of our program since agents live in this space for hours every day and you won’t run the risk of missing out on an offer. Plus, this helps protect you from scammers just looking to get your personal information.

Get started today!