Determining Timeshares Sold

Vacation Property Resales, Inc. only offer "by owner" services through their websites, so timeshares advertised at are ultimately sold by the owner of the timeshare. We do not participate in the negotiation or sale of any timeshare advertised on our website, and we do not take any commissions from those sales.

However, we do try to verify the effectiveness of our advertising services by gathering sales information from several different sources that have elected to voluntarily cooperate with us. These sources include title companies, closing companies, and real estate brokers. While we may be affiliated with some of these sources, we do not typically have a way of conclusively verifying the information reported through these sources.

We also collect sales information from our advertisers. While we encourage every advertiser who completes a successful sale to inform us of the details of that sale, this request is not always acknowledged. It is more likely that we find out that an advertised timeshare has been sold when a renewal date is approaching.

While the available information gathering methods are imperfect, has elected to be transparent to both our existing advertisers and our potential customers. In 2023, our advertisers sold 993 timeshares, and 8,443 timeshares were advertised through as of December 31, 2023. This equates to a sales ratio of 11.75% in 2023. In 2022, our advertisers sold 830 timeshares, and 9,408 timeshares were advertised through as of December 31, 2022. This equates to a sales ratio of 8.82% in 2022.

Because title companies, closing companies, and real estate brokers aren't usually involved in a timeshare rental, we are still investigating the best way to collect rental statistics. Until we can solve this dilemma, we cannot report any rental statistics from 2023.