“How do I sell my timeshare week?” is a common question we hear a lot at Sell a Timeshare, and with all of the changes to timeshare ownership over the years, you’re absolutely forgiven if you feel confused about your options to sell. Once the bedrock of the industry, timeshare weeks now seem to be the black sheep of the family compared to the sexier points programs on offer. But savvy buyers know the value in a guaranteed vacation week.
Anyone who has tried to use points to get their favorite vacation week, or even use exchange companies, knows the frustration of trying to book their preferred time to vacation. Too often, their favorite week seems to be taken, so they revert to plan B, or C, to get in a week’s worth of vacation time.
With a deeded timeshare week, the owner knows exactly when they can plan their vacation, guaranteed, and that is a major advantage – especially for peak season weeks like the 4th of July, or around the Christmas or New Year’s holidays.
When you look to sell your timeshare week, promote the specifics of your week to make it as attractive as possible for potential new owners.
Before you put your timeshare up for sale, there are details you need to have in order so you can give yourself the best chance to sell your timeshare week:
Week number. Make sure you have the correct week number. As we know from timeshare calendars, calendar weeks shift in relation to a designated timeshare week number. Week 5 may start in January one year but in February the next year. That’s why it’s imperative to know which timeshare week number to sell and not necessarily the calendar week (such as describing the last week of January for a ski week) since buyers will be looking for the week number.
Correct terminology. Most buyers looking online for timeshare resales are experienced with the resort and the type of weeks and seasons on offer. They are often looking for a specific time of year, whether summer during school holidays, spring for flower festivals, or winter for the ski season. Know which term is used by your resort for your season (red, gold, prime, high, etc.) since the consumer will be looking for it.
Unit specifics. The number of bedrooms and bathrooms is crucial, as families need to know the layout of your unit. If your timeshare week is deeded to a specific unit number, then include it in your promotion.
Yearly usage. Sellers need to promote whether they have annual or biennial ownership, as this impacts the resale price along with when the week can be used. Biennial week owners need to include whether it is even or odd-year ownership.
Resale price. Notice the word resale, since the resale price will be substantially lower than the price paid at the resort. Because 50-60% of resort retail prices cover sales and marketing costs, that amount isn’t factored into the resale price. Check out our market analysis calculator to get an idea of a reasonable resale asking price.
Now that you have the basic information in hand, you can take the steps to sell your timeshare week. While there are a few different ways to sell, they generally fall within three categories:
Handle It Yourself. This option is typically best for bold owners who have a promotional strategy in place. While some owners may understand the nuances of online marketing, this option usually entails asking friends or family or using social media to “advertise” your timeshare. But is this really an effective way to proactively find timeshare buyers? The short answer is no.
Advertise It. You’ll need to let people know that you want to sell, so look for online marketing outlets that specialize in timeshare resales. However, be careful as they will almost always ask for advance advertising fees to put your timeshare on the market. In these cases, the fees are paid regardless of whether the timeshare sells, similar to any form of advertising.
Seek Professional Help. This takes the form of asking a licensed timeshare resale brokerage for assistance. Brokers operate like traditional real estate firms, where a licensed agent works to sell your timeshare, handle the paperwork, escrow deposits, and facilitate the sale with a closing company. Plus, they get paid on commission after the sale, so there are no upfront fees to be paid by sellers.
Sell a Timeshare combines the advantages of the advertising model with using a licensed timeshare brokerage to give you the best of both worlds. Sellers access our online platform by easily creating their own advertisement through our automated, self-service program, advertising your timeshare to millions on the world wide web with no upfront costs to pay.
Our 20+ years of online timeshare resale experience lets you leverage our marketing strategies to draw potential new owners to your ad. Once a consumer places an offer or inquiry onto your ad, then the advantage of using a licensed broker comes into play.
We’ll notify our affiliated brokerage firm, Timeshare Broker Associates, who will verify whether the offer is legitimate and gather details you’ll need to make an informed decision about accepting, declining or countering the offer. The broker continues the negotiation on your behalf until a deal is reached. They will handle the paperwork and conclude the sale through a reputable closing company. All with no upfront fees.
So, if you’re wondering, “how do I sell my timeshare week?” get started with our no-obligation resale program and you’ll be promoting your timeshare online in a matter of minutes.
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